Sunday, November 2, 2014

A New Beginning

For a while I have wanted to get in shape and tone my body; however, my mind has been plagued with excuses that have restricted me from working out. So now, I have decided to really commit and start a much healthier lifestyle. I am making it official on my blog because I feel that if I share about my change in lifestyle, then I am more obligated to actually change and stick to being more fit and healthy. To motivate me even further, I have created a fitness journal and everyday I will document what I ate, my workout, what time a went to sleep and woke up, and my water intake. 
My first page consists of the changes that I am going to make (they are more like rules that I am going to follow but rules sounds really strict and scary so I am just calling them "changes").

I am very excited to start this new healthier and happier journey and I will try and blog everyday (cannot fully promise it, though) about how I am doing for about 12 weeks. Hopefully you can also start with me and if you already started, then let me know how you are doing and we can motivate each other and be on this journey together!

Tomorrow, November 3, 2014 will be my first journal log! This is exciting!!

xoxo Liz


  1. Sounds like a good plan! Good luck! :)

    X, Marky

  2. If this is your first time trying to get into a routine of working out/eating healthy.. don't feel guilty to give yourself a break. One of the first things I did when I first started was cut out soda slowy to one/ week, then none at all, I haven't drank soda for 2 years & don't even miss it! Also, don't pressure yourself to keep a strict workout routine. I know it's hard not to, but it leads to bad habits.. I've been there. I now drink water like there's no tomorrow, it's became a habit! I always have to have my water!!!
    I'm interested in seeing your journey. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll be glad to!

    1. Thank you so much for your advice! I am definitely taking it into consideration!

  3. Hi, think the cover you have made is brilliant with the motivational things on the front! I exercise myself and generally try to remember things i've done and not done, but actually I think having it written down is a really positive way of doing things so I think I may even start one myself!

    1. Writing down everything you do helps you explicitly see what you have done and not done and sometimes it can be eye-opening when you actually see it, so I really recommend writing all your exercises and food intake down! It is so helpful!
