On November 3rd, I worked out in the morning for around 15 minutes, mainly doing strength exercises and I at an apple in the morning. Then for lunch I had pumpkin ravioli and crackers with Laughing Cow cheese. Later, I went to my school's senior banquet and ate food that was offered at the buffet (which was not the healthiest food but I tried to select carefully). I grabbed some salad, tilapia, and a little bit of pasta. Then I danced on the dance floor, which I count as cardio exercise. I got back to the school really late and slept pretty late, but luckily there was no school the next day so I was able to still get eight hours of sleep. I had about 5 cups of water that day, which I know is not a lot and I definitely felt that. All in all it was a pretty healthy day and I consider it a success.
On November 4th, I worked out in the morning again and I had a grapefruit for breakfast (I just realized I like to eat a lot of fruit in the morning). Then for lunch I had pumpkin ravioli again and I am most likely going to have it for the rest of the week so heads up for that. Later in the afternoon I twisted my ankle so I was very limited on my movements so I was not able to get in any cardio workouts, which is unfortunate and I have no idea how soon I will be able to do the normal exercises that I like to do. My ankle does not hurt that bad so hopefully I will be able to be back to normal pretty soon but I probably will not know until tomorrow. For dinner I had some chili that my dad made with some rice. My water intake was pretty good today; I had eight cups of water and I feel very hydrated, which I have noticed really affects my mood. I find that I am lot more energized and happy when I am well-hydrated. Aside from my hurt ankle, it was a pretty good day. I am just worried as to how active I can be in the next few days. Maybe I will feel better once I sleep.
Let me know how you are doing!
xoxo Liz
Great post, this reminds me I have to hit the gym ASAP!